by Darren Macfee | Jul 7, 2015 | Personal Development
My coach recently helped me realize that I’m very successful. Now, before you think I’ve gone all Donald Trump, let me put some parameters on my statement. First off, we need to establish a common definition of success. I like how Earl Nightingale put it in his...
by Darren Macfee | Jun 30, 2015 | Personal Development
Judging from my email lately, it is vacation autoresponder season. For the love of kittens and rainbows, please don’t use an obnoxious autoresponder.But I digress. If you haven’t taken your vacation yet, or at least scheduled time away, you NEED to do so RIGHT...
by Darren Macfee | Jun 23, 2015 | Organization Strategy
Where is it?Look around your office. Where is the packet from your last conference?You know, your notes. The swag bag. All the cool stuff you scored at the exhibitor hall. Probably your lanyard and name badge even.Is it leaning next to your credenza? Is it hanging...
by Darren Macfee | Jun 16, 2015 | Self Care
“I tried Twitter for awhile,” my friend told me, “but I just didn’t have time for it.” Me, I love Twitter. So I felt a little defensive, like if she had just told me my kid was ugly or something. She continued, “People tell me I need to be on it, but I don’t know how...
by Darren Macfee | Jun 9, 2015 | Self Care
“Have you gone completely insane?”This is my wife talking, upon finding out that I’ve been taking cold showers for the last month. And yes, I mean COLD…not an ounce of hot water, from beginning to end.“Why would you want to do that?”“Well,” I responded, “I’ve...